Semanteme “wind” in Poetic speech
wind, poetic speech, contextAbstract
The meaning of the word “wind” can be determined depending on the context. It is in the interaction of the elements of the artistic work that the wind reveals its connotative meanings. It acquires a deep subtextual load, which leads to the inner understanding of the word, in-depth understanding.
The feeleing of wind in poetic speech is different. Semantema “wind” has a variety of emotional meanings: sadness, pain, anxiety, excitement, fury,regret, fear, tenderness, longing. The mentioned meanings change according to the mood of the poet, therefore, in the works of the same poet, the emotional meaning of “wind” can be sadness, pain, anger and tenderness. The aforementioned possibility of “wind” is first of all manifested in the poetic speech of the creator who deeply feels the domestic form of language.
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