Vocabulary expressing caress and caresses in the works of Otia Ioseliani
caress, caddle, synonymous fieldAbstract
The synonymous field with the semantics of caressallers is to treat with love, tender feeling, caress and the one who knows allers, who is used to allerrs, ia allergic (Georgian Dictionary), According to Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, allers is interpreted as turning with a word (Orbeliani 1993:23).
In this Semantic field, we discussed caress, caressallers the one who is alerted and to whom it is alerted; The words expressing caress and caresses, which are used in the meqning of caress, pale; also those phrases that are confirmed in this semantic field.
In the article we presented a variety of vocabulary related to caress from the prose of Georgian writer Otia Ioseliani.
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