Some lexical-stylistic pecularities of somatic-idiomatic phraseology contanting the word “Heart” in Georgian

Some lexical-stylistic pecularities of somatic-idiomatic phraseology contanting the word “Heart” in Georgian


  • Manana Kakauridze Gori, Georgia



ლექსემა „გული“, იდიომატური ფრაზეოლოგიზმები, ლექსიკური მარაგი


Idiomatic phraseology is considered one of the means of enriching the lexical  stock of the language.It increases the power of artistic - aesthetic  impact ansd addaa vitality th the language. Here is shown imagination, emotion culture, spirituality, original vision and perception of the world. Because of all this, they gain special weight in the language. 

Thr subject of our interest is phraseology expressing feelingsand emotions containing somatisms, among which ediomatic phraseology containint the root “heart” is especially productive. Along with their unifying, common sign, a number of distinguishing features were found: the idiomatic phraseology included in this group can be associated with the expression of opposite connotations. One set of them both in form and content has remained unchanged for centuries, while some of them have faded in meaning and are no longer used at all. Some  phraseology containing the root “heart” has lost its former expressiveness due to frequent use. Different literary-artistic methods are used in the phrases of the same group. For example: hiperbolization, gradation tautology, oxymoron, which leads to various literary reminiscences, and in some of them, thr use of religious terms or metaphorical  imagery becomes the determinant of their expressive intensification.

The nature of the language, to some extent, is determined by the worldview of the nation. Idioms and phraseology describe the world perceived by people figuratively, that is why the inner richness of our language is captured in them and its posibilities are impressively revealed. With their participation, the speech becomes even more interesting, capacious and sophisticated. We think, that the further research of somatic phraseology will reveal even more peculiarities.



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How to Cite

Kakauridze, M. (2024). Some lexical-stylistic pecularities of somatic-idiomatic phraseology contanting the word “Heart” in Georgian. Language and Culture, (31), 35–46.


