Antithesis as an important stylistic device in political discourse

Antithesis as an important stylistic device in political discourse




Antithesis, stylistic device, political discourse


The aim of the paper is to analyze the antithesis as an important stylistic device in political discourse based on the materials of English and Georgian dominant (presidential) discourse. In the process of research we applied the method of pragmatic interpretation of the text, and descriptive and contrasting methods, which gave us the opportunity to identify the communicative intention of the addresser expressed by antitheses, outline the main characteristics of antitheses and determine the similarities and differences between relevant English and Georgian antitheses. English and Georgian presidential speeches of XXI century have been selected as research materials.

An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. Despite the growing interest in political discourse and its possibilities, at this stage the antithesis as a particularly important argumentative strategy has not yet been explored in depth.

The political antithesis is based on various kinds of binary opposition, which is one of the main methods of influencing the audience in political discourse. The antithesis is constructed with regular or contextual antonyms and various cohesive devices. In the research materials there are also many examples of metaphor usage. The latter significantly enhances the expressiveness of the antithesis.

Thus, there is an organic synthesis of different means of expression, which creates a powerful persuasive effect, making the antithesis one of the most significant stylistic devices.


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How to Cite

Tavidashvili, N. (2024). Antithesis as an important stylistic device in political discourse. Language and Culture, (31), 23–30.


