Play as the main form of preschool activity

Play as the main form of preschool activity




თამაში, აქტივობა, პიროვნების ფორმირება


Play is a form of behavior that follows a person throughout his life and is one of the features of his activity. This feature manifests itself in different ways in childhood and adulthood. Play is an important means of self-expression. It is the first activity that plays a special role in the formation of a child's personality. During the game, the child does not feel like an object of an adult's influence, but is a full-fledged subject of activity.

Psychologists have been studying the games of children and adults for a long time. They examine their functions and specific content, comparing different types of activities. Through play, children develop physically, cognitively and emotionally - socially. The game helps to develop speech and communication skills. The game is characterized by positive emotions, improvisation, cheerfulness, spontaneity and cooperation. This is a process that gives the child pleasure and joy, awakens curiosity. In the game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, his psyche changes significantly, preparing him to move to a new, higher level of development.

The game contributes to the development of feelings and the formation of behavior. "Play is a way for a child to learn about the world, express himself and communicate. A child actively learns by doing. He learns by discovering the environment, actively engaging in the process. For him, it is preferable not to receive ready knowledge and information, but to get to know the world through his own experience.



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Author Biography

Nino Tchokhonelidze, Akaki Tsereteli State University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Tchokhonelidze, N. (2023). Play as the main form of preschool activity. Language and Culture, (30), 154–159.