About some non-neuropedagogical practices in early and elementary education

About some non-neuropedagogical practices in early and elementary education





neuropedagogy, messy education, method, endorphin, teaching


At various levels of our education system, many innovations are being introduced at an accelerated pace, many of which have non-neuropedagogical foundations, although some practices either lack thin component altogether or do not adequately consider it.

Incorrectly plannes teaching makes it difficult to reach high thinking levels, there is a large share of immature knowledge, which is a less useful component in the constructivist process.

The pronciples of teaching and learning are violated. The student is not an active creator of knowledge, knowledge is more declarative and less functional.

Features of the brain are genetically determained and individual. The right approaches in early education are of great importance. It is necessary to differentate teaching according to student’s needs, leqrning style, methodology and other directions, which makes it difficult to offer approaches tailored to learner needs.


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How to Cite

Oniani, B., & Gogiberidze, I. (2023). About some non-neuropedagogical practices in early and elementary education. Language and Culture, (30), 145–148. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2023.30.23