One more unknown writing of Akaki Tsereteli

One more unknown writing of Akaki Tsereteli




აკაკი წერეთელი, გაზ. „ხუმარა“, გრიგოლ ალექსანდრეს ძე პალმი


On 21st march of 1907 in newspaper “Закавказье” was published an article „Ответ газете „Новое Время“ signed by Akaki Tsereteli. More particularly, it was about an article „Охота на русских людей“ published on 21st march in 11122st edition  of the newspaper „Новое Время“, which is also known as a pseudonym of “Затерянный”.

The summary of an article is very provocative. If we trust the author, Russian people are brutally persecuted in Georgia. For example, article tells a story about an assault on a founder of a silk factory N. Shavrov.

An author of an article thinks that there is a connection between an assault and a publication in a humoristic newspaper “Joker” (Khumara). As he says that is the main reason that governor shut down the newspaper and put the editor Akaki Tsereteli in jail.

In reality, the reason for shutting down the newspaper and arresting the poet was insulting Governor Raush von Traubenberg and not an assault on Shavrov. But in his article Затерянный says: „ ...Черезъ нъсколько дней послъ появления подлой клеветы, оглашенной авторитетнымъ князем, убиицы уже подкараулили Шаврова...“ So the correspondent thinks, that the author of the material which provoked assault is Akaki Tsereteli.

The above-mentioned text published in newspaper “Khumara” is a long poem, which consists of four parts. It is about lawlessness during elections and unfair practice from political parties. The text is not signed, but we need to mention that there are other published and unsigned texts, which definitely belong to Akaki Tsereteli, i.e. caricature poem about Raush von Traubenberg and “Benia and Beshtia”.

If we consider the fact that Затерянный is a pseudonym of G. Palm, who was an editor of newspaper „Черноморский вестник“, we can assume that the information which he had is partially correct and the author of the poem is Akaki Tsereteli. In addition, the poet did not protest this fact in his answer. It is clear that for now nothing can be proven, but future research may prove the authorship of Akaki.



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ნინიძე მ., -აკაკი წერეთლის უცნობი რუსულენოვანი სტატიები (ტექტოლოგიური მიმოხილვა), ჟ. „ლიტერატურული ძიებანი“ XXXV, 2014.

ფრუიძე ნ., - ზოგიერთი რამ აკაკი წერეთლის ახლად გამოვლენილი თხზულებების შესახებ, აკაკის კრებული II, თსუ გამომცემლობა, 2005.

წერეთელი ა., - თხზულებათა სრული კრებული თხუთმეტ ტომად, ტ. VIII, გამომცემლობა „საბჭოთა საქართველო“, თბ.: საბჭოთა საქართველო, 1958.

„ხუმარა“, 1907, #1.

„Закавказье“, 1907, # 65, 21.II,I ст.3.

„Новое Время“, 1907, # 11122,12.III, ст. 5.




How to Cite

Pruidze, N. (2023). One more unknown writing of Akaki Tsereteli. Language and Culture, (30), 85–93.


