Except for the Poems…

Except for the Poems…





სიმონ ბერეჟიანი, ქართული ემიგრანტული მწერლობა


Simon Berezhiani is an interesting representative of Georgian emigrant writing. It has been written about him many times in recent years. His poetry collections published both in Germany and France came to the attention of literary connoisseurs. However, a number of significant texts also have been published on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

This time I would like to pay attention to the activities abroad, which left a big mark on his life, although I think his tragic biography was fateful.

Simon Berezhian wrote poems and also has an unfinished novel "Nikola". He spent his whole being creatively: with different themes, and aspects, searching for means of expression. His poetry is also significant in many national codes, which was revealed in many texts as a metaphorical means of artistic expression. As we said, in the article we will focus on that civic activity. which was shown by a member of the young "White George" movement.

He also drew caricatures; But political caricatures in which he put his ideology. They are preserved, but the canvas on which the memories were written is lost.

 He also wrote political pamphlets.

Many facts are known from Simon Berezhian's biography, when he not only spends his time creatively (that is, when he writes himself) and this is Georgia, the country left over the border, but also when Akaki Tsereteli plays Shota Rustaveli on stage. He also takes part in the staging of Ilya's "Traveler's Letters" and will also read his own poem ("To Batonishvili") at the theatrical evening dedicated to Alexander Batonishvili.

A number of important Georgians participated in the preparation of Tamar Papava's book - "Big Faces in Small Frames" in different forms and purposes. Simon Berezhiani was the proofreader of the book.

He was also a good storyteller, and his friends in emigration will remember him. They also tell stories to the readers. There is an amusing story about the arrival of the delegation of the Second International in Georgia. Others emphasize this ability of his.

The biography and creativity of Simon Berezhiani are both interesting and meaningful as a whole.


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How to Cite

Nishnianidze, R. (2023). Except for the Poems…. Language and Culture, (30), 72–78. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2023.30.12


