Lyrical coincidences in the world poetry

Lyrical coincidences in the world poetry




პარალელური მოტივებისა, ლირიკული თანხვედრა


One of the important tasks of the literary studies is to take parallel motives into account. Thus, we will also find out some sources of national literature.

 In 1828, Mickiewicz wrote “Faris”. It is believed that “Faris” was one of the sources of inspiration for Baratashvili when he wrote his “Merani”.  Except for common cultural and historic background, concrete facts and attitude of the writers, these two poems have a number of poetic coincidences. “Pegasus” by the famous Hungarian poet Sandor Petofi is written directly under the influence of “Faris”. We can also consider “Gallop” by Sully-Prudhomme, “Blue Horse” by Vazha-Pshavela and an untitled poem by Heinrich Heine ***“My young health has returned to me” as lyrical examples created on the theme of “Faris”.

All poems express man’s aspiration for goodness, freedom and infinity. Merani’s face is a poetic icon for all authors, they create their masterpieces with a similar artistic sense.

It should be noted that the literary paradigm of “Faris” by Adam Mickiewicz is revealed in the example of the world poetry. Poetic creations carrying this idea can be considered as poems of one Cycle and they can be named “Faris” Cycle poems.

In the paper, we will also review which poetic sample can be considered as the literary basis of the “Faris” Cycle poems. We can consider the poem by Goethe “To Coachman Chronos”, which he wrote in 1774, as the literary basis of “Faris” Cycle poems.

 We think that such an approach to the matter is a novelty for literary studies.


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How to Cite

Vardoshvili, E. (2023). Lyrical coincidences in the world poetry. Language and Culture, (30), 57–62.


