On the multimodal analysis of corona humor

On the multimodal analysis of corona humor





ხუმრობა, ქართული იუმორი


Due to the coronavirus countries in all over the world faced great challenges. Moreover, it led to huge death toll. A number of interesting studies, including linguistic ones, were devoted to this period. The works are distinguished by thematic diversity. Despite the terrible tragedy, many jokes related to the coronavirus spread both in the German and Georgian media. However, within the mentioned article, we will limit ourselves to samples of Georgian humor. Humor is a good way of therapy and overcoming a problematic situation, as evidenced by the comments made by the recipients. At the same time, the jokes are very creative on different levels. A creative approach is required for both readers and listeners to recognize implicit content. As we know, humor during the pandemic from a multimodal point of view is still little studied in the Georgian linguistic literature. The article analyzes the means by which subtext connections and node opening are achieved. The subject of research is the interaction of verbal and non-verbal components, the transfer of familiar information to a new context, referential oppositions, intertextual relations. It is also interesting to see what methods the authors of jokes use to enhance the effect of humor from a lexical point of view, what signs these words are marked with, whether English phrases are found and what function they have, how addressees distance themselves from negative experiences. Qualitative analysis revealed which multimodal means authors prefer in jokes.


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How to Cite

Svanidze, R. (2023). On the multimodal analysis of corona humor. Language and Culture, (30), 24–29. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2023.30.05


