Pecularities of Realization of Georgian Cognitive metaphor

Pecularities of Realization of Georgian Cognitive metaphor




metaphor, cognitive metaphor, universals


The article deals with the existence of cognitive metaphors in language, whose meaning expresses the peculiarities of the culture they belong to.

Humans perceive surrounding reality through metaphors. Their conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. Cognitive metaphor exits in the consciousness of nation, which is not materialized but metaphoric expression existing in language serve as a proof of its existence in language. The peculiarities of the “world view” (weltbild) of nation are best expressed through metaphoric  mechanisms characteristic of language.

Cognitive metaphor is considered to be universal to languages. There are no less cognitive metaphors in Georgian than in English language, though they have been less observed and studied.  This article deals with a Georgian cognitive metaphor and the peculiarities of its realization. There is provided an example of Georgian cognitive metaphor-knowledge is wealth.

Knowledge is an abstract phenomenon, though it is more sophisticated one. Wealth, property is visible and concrete phenomenon. Thus one of the main principles of the semantic structure of metaphor is observed. Knowledge itself is a kind of treasure, though it’s not material substance.

Knowledge can be acquired as a result of studying. Wealth can be obtained due to certain efforts. One is able to share her/his knowledge with others. Similarly material property can be divided. If your knowledge is not deep and substantial you can forget everything in a short period.  You can lose your wealth. One is able to deepen his/her knowledge, similarly material property can be increased. Thus we can acquire, obtain, disseminate, gain, accumulate or share our knowledge with somebody or increase it. (Grigalashvili, 2005:81).

       Cognitive metaphor is a universal phenomenon, at the same time it embodies the peculiarities of the spirit of nation. It emerges in the cultural bosom of nation. We have studied the examples of cognitive metaphor in Georgian to prove that it exists in Georgian language and consciousness as universal phenomenon and at the same time as the product of indigenous  national culture it reveals that the difference between cultures and national perception  is reflected in the languages of these cultures.


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How to Cite

Griogalashvili, T. (2023). Pecularities of Realization of Georgian Cognitive metaphor. Language and Culture, (30), 10–13.


