The Main direction of Ancient Georgian Literature is “Gabaaseba”
Gabaaseba, literature, era, foklore, didacrics, historyAbstract
In the history of ancient Georgian literature. A lot of interesting heritage has been created, which is rich in a variety of genres, which speaks of rhe flawless literaary taste of Georgian Khali and in this masterpiece, the thought of Georgians was expressed and conveyed. Georgian literature is generally characterized by a variety of genres in the Xvi-XVIII centuries. It was during this period that the genre of gabaaseba was particulary popular.
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3.ზოიძე ი.აღორძინების ხანის მწერლობა, მისი ძირითადი მიმართულება და დანიშნულება,ჟურნალი „განათლება“,თბილისი,