How to promote the development of pupils’s oral speech

How to promote the development of pupils’s oral speech


  • Nino Gamkrelidze Kutaisi Andria Razmadze #41 school



ზეპირი მეტყველება, სამეტყველო უნარები


One of the main goals of the national curriculum is to develop oral speech culture in students, to develop basic speech skills - writing, reading, listening, speaking. In the standard of Georgian language and literature, one of the most important directions of teaching is the development of oral speech, because this direction combines two closely related speech behaviors: listening and speaking.The consistent development of skills related to these speech behaviors is aimed at forming a person who is ready for free, modern communication. This involves the development of oral communication, expression skills, listening skills, social communication and interactive skills.  At school, the student learns the results of social experience through textbooks, where the necessary information is given in linguistic form. Language is needed so that a person can express his feelings, emotions, mysterious thoughts with its help.A modern school should provide the upbringing of such a person who possesses not only knowledge, but is able to use this knowledge in life. The goal is not for the student to know as much as possible, but to be able to act adequately in any situation and solve problems.We have to teach the child the spoken language, to master the linguistic norms that have been established in the language throughout history, a child's speech and views are formed by the adoption of these norms, a  person needs speech at every step, in every business. After all, speech is a necessary means of expressing thoughts, communicating between people, and perfecting the inner world of a person; It is a type of human action that realizes thinking based on the use of linguistic means; Performs the function of communication, emotional self-expression and influence on other people. Well-developed speech is an important means of active human activity in modern society, and for a student it is a necessary condition for successful learning at school.


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How to Cite

Gamkrelidze, N. (2022). How to promote the development of pupils’s oral speech. Language and Culture, (28).