The peculiarities of literary translation, based on the translation of the novel "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass into Armenian
The paper attempts to present the translation techniques used by the translator with the help of the comparative analysis of the original text and its translation, on the basis of the Armenian translation of the novel "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass. In our theoretical reflections on translation techniques, we draw on A. Nazaryan, G. Baghdasaryan, L. Barchudarov and V. Komissarov. The following transformations are analyzed in detail in this academic article: adaptation, compensation, concretization, conversion and amplification.
Grass, Günter: Die Blechtrommel. Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 1993.
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Koller, Werner: Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft. Quelle und Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim 2004.
Бархударов Л. С.: Язык и перевод. Высшая Школа, Москва 1975.
Комиссаров В. Н.: Современное переводоведение. Москва 2002.
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Նազարյան Ա. Հ., Բաղդասարյան Հ. Գ., Թարգմանաբանական ուսումնական ձեռնարկ, Ամարաս, Երևան, 2000