Some features of the writer’s language (Rezo Cheishvili)
რეზო ჭეიშვილი, მწერლის ენა, რომანი, მოთხრობებიAbstract
The language of the writer Rezo Cheishvili is plain, simple, easy to understand. The writer tries to follow the norms of the literary language, but the study the language of his novels show, that cases of violations of the norms can be found both in the language of the characters and the writer. There are quite a lot of dialectical forms in the speech of active persons, and mainle Imerisms. This is acceptable, because for the better characterization of the character, great importance is attached to their speech. But as for the writers language, violations here are unjustified, the writer’s language should be free from any angular forms, violations of norms
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