Georgian-British History of Freedom
DOI:Ключевые слова:
Romanticism, Rationalism, Transcendent, Identity, IrrationalismАннотация
Secluded in my office and inspired by the problems of the intellect, I will question the 'Godfather' of freedom time and time again hoping that the boundless space of thought created by him will again give me new intellectual food. Yes, anarchism deserves serious study because, after all, it is about the human being, who by his very nature is ambivalent and who in turn is the subject of deep and serious study.
The science of thought applies to all areas of human activity, anarchism also applies to it, but to that part of it that is associated with individual freedom. The science of thought applies to all areas of human activity, anarchism also applies to it, although that part of it is associated with individual freedom, which in all cultural and historical eras has become almost adequate for the struggle to obtain the bread necessary for human existence.
Библиографические ссылки
შველიძე, დ. (1997). მარქსიზმის კრიტიკა ვარლამ ჩერქეზიშვილის ნაშრომებში. 14-28.
გაზეთი ,,ივერია“ (1900). ნომერი 229: 8-10. (1900). ნომერი 232: 16-19.
პლეხანოვი, გ. (1943). როგორც ქუხს,ისე არ წვიმს. თბილისი (1943) გვ. 27-30.
გაზეთი ,,გრიგალი“ (1906). ნომერი 7: 28.
გორგილაძე, ლ. (1963). იდეოლოგიური ბრძოლის ისტორიიდან. თბილისი.