
  • Alexander Kvasha
  • Danil Guk


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Democratic society, two-party system, political process, liberals, democrats


The article is devoted to the problems of the existence and formation of a two-party system in traditional democratic societies. The article substantiates the fact that the two-party system is rightfully considered the most effective tool for maintaining stability and coherence in politics while ensuring the flexibility and competitiveness of the democratic system. A two-party system does not necessarily limit the presence of only two parties in a given country. In the UK, for example, there are several parties: the Conservative, Labor, Liberal, Social Democratic, Communist, and a number of other political organizations (Co-operative Party, Welsh Nationalist Party, Scottish Nationalist Party, National Front and etc.). Nevertheless, this is a country with a classical two-party system: only two parties - the Conservatives and Labor - replacing each other, form the government and determine the main directions of the country's domestic and foreign policy. The concept of cyclicality and periodicity of the change of conservative and liberal periods in the development of both the political and economic systems of capitalism has been considered and researched. Without denying the alternation of such periods, especially in connection with the change of republican and democratic governments in the United States, it should be recognized that, in general, the dominant trend of the past century was the strengthening of the role of the state in the economy, based on the views of the Keynesian economic school. The article argues that the political process in countries called developed democracy is at the optimum point on the information-entropy spiral of E. A. Sedov, or rather, in the optimum zone, allowing slight deviations of the “political swing” mechanism either to the left or to the left. right side. That is, in these countries, an optimal balance has been achieved between granting the necessary freedom to each member of society and reasonable restrictions on this freedom in the name of maintaining public order.



ავტორის ბიოგრაფიები

Alexander Kvasha

PhD (Political),

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and SPN

Donbass State Machine-Building Academy

Danil Guk

student gr. PL 19

Donbass State Machine-Building Academy


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