
  • Evgeniya Valeryevna Bolotina


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

bifurcation, postnonclassical science, system-synergistic approach, system, self-organization, contradictions, the educational process


The article reveals some aspects of applying the ideas of a system-synergetic approach to pedagogical research, in particular for modeling the content of education, studying the educational process, designing educational systems and management. The limitations and prospects for the development of this approach are considered. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of interest in an interdisciplinary area called synergetics. It is difficult or even impossible to name a field of knowledge in which today research would not be conducted under the prism of synergy. Synergetics as a condition for complex cognition requires a radical reform of the system of cognition, social management and practical activity. Modern globalization has created conditions for the development of the information space in society. Under these conditions, new paradigms of cognition appear, where synergy occupies the most integral place. Publications on the topic of synergetics are characterized by the fact that they often contain the author's interpretations of the principles of synergetics, and the interpretations are very diverse and not always sufficiently reasoned. The reason for this is the lack of sufficient certainty of the basic principles of synergy. The formation of a synergetic worldview is considered by many authors as the cause of paradigmatic transformations of the modern scientific tradition and is even interpreted as the latest scientific revolution. In the scientific and pedagogical literature in recent years, from time to time, debatable works appear, in which considerations are expressed about the possibilities of applying the ideas of synergetics to education. The justification for this is the stochasticity and nonlinearity of pedagogical laws revealed in empirical studies, the peculiarities of their action in specific pedagogical situations, and the ambiguity of their manifestation. The dependence of the regularities of the pedagogical process on external and internal conditions, the bifurcation nature of the educational process and cognitive activity illustrate all the known provisions of synergetics.



ავტორის ბიოგრაფია

Evgeniya Valeryevna Bolotina

Donbass State Machine-Building Academy


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