Possibilities of Creating Positive and Negative Emotional Fields in a Fictional Text (based the the 20th century Georgian Brief Fictional Prose)

Possibilities of Creating Positive and Negative Emotional Fields in a Fictional Text (based the the 20th century Georgian Brief Fictional Prose)


  • Nunu Geldiashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml




linguistics, positive and negative emotional field, linguistic competences


The only tool for the author to share the  feelings and express their spiritual world to the readers is linguistic means; Emotion is transformed in language which, at the same time, represents the principal focus for linguistics  i.e. the ways how and for what purpose does the linguistic unit of language and speech denote emotion. The goal of the manuscript is to observe brief fictional prose, in particular, to show the linguistic possibilities of creating a positive and negative emotional field, which are characteristic for this type of texts. The research analysis has revealed that there are two main ways to create a positive or negative emotional mood in the reader: 1. The writer himself offers an assessment of the character's condition or circumstances by using appropriate emotional language means; 2. The writer presents the external world seen by the character, characterized by emotional-evaluative lexical units. It has been revealed that adjectives and verbs are the most frequently used in creating an emotional field; Depending on the context, the noun as the key word of the idea acquires an emotional load. An especially interesting feature was found to be the emotional interjection, as it expresses the characters' mood, feelings and emotions and is most distinguished by high emotional expressiveness; There predominates interjections connected with sadness, pain, surprise. There are also many religious words and phrases serving as interjections. There are the cases when the contrast and superiority of the positive emotions against the negatively painted situation causes emotion and, sometimes, the sudden, unexpected ending of the literary text is characterized by sharp emotionality. Emotionally colored lexical units appear mainly in two ways while creating the emotional field: 1. One word in a sentence or the same part of speech is characterized by more emotionality; 2. Several different parts of speech create an emotional context.


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How to Cite

Geldiashvili, N. (2023). Possibilities of Creating Positive and Negative Emotional Fields in a Fictional Text (based the the 20th century Georgian Brief Fictional Prose). Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(35). https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2022.01.35.06


