“Concepts of Konstantine Gamsakhurdia`s “Moon`s Abduction”

“Concepts of Konstantine Gamsakhurdia`s “Moon`s Abduction”


  • Nana Kutsia
  • Miranda Todua
  • Marine Turava




Novel, Socialist Realism, Soviet and Post-Soviet Critics, Epoch, Myths


      “Moon`s Abduction” by Konstantine Gamsakhurdia is a very important text written in the Soviet Georgia. The writer created monumental literary landscape in the period of so called “socialist realism” literary style.     The novel makes a great demand on the reader`s erudition, on his capacity to understand the complex allusions, literary, philosophical and mythological, that characterize Gamsakhurdia`s prose. The present article deals with the world-outlook of Soviet and Post-Soviet literary critique – on the background of the publicistic letters of the outstanding critics Beso Zhghenti and Soso Sigua. The novel clears up the writer`s attitude to the revolution, socialism, collectivization of agriculture, person`s role as a member of society. The Soviet and Post-Soviet critics world-outlooks are absolutely different. By the Soviet critic (Beso Zhghenti) the novel is an excessive apologia of Soviet system, of Soviet state-building, a positive character (hero) is Arzakan Zvambaia, the security officer, the ossicial of Cheka, Bolshevism is better than traditional life of Georgia, civilization is better than culture. By the Post-Soviet world-outlook (Soso Sigua) the novel is a reflection of tragedy of the Georgian nation  (because of negation of Georgian traditions, unique Georgian culture), a positive character is a prince Tarash Emkhvari, cultural and well-educated person; Bolshevizm is tragedy. Literary, philosophical and mythological allusions characterize Gamsakhurdias literary heritage (verses, short-stories, novels). The article deals with the world-outlook of the author. The official of Cheka Arzakan is a patricide, another official Arlan cut the centuries-old sacral tree - Bolhevizm hates roots and traditions. There are a lot of mythological characters reflected in the novel (Aramkhutu-Amirani, Sacral-tree, Mezir – Sacral serpant…). A reader feels the influence of Nitcze and Bergson world-outlook, passages from Hesiod`s “Theogony” and Appolonios from Rodoss “Argonautica.”The novel of Konstantine Gamsakhurdia is one of the best reflections and the best samples of Georgian novel of the  30s of the 20th century epoch.


Author Biographies

Nana Kutsia

Sokhumi State University

Miranda Todua

Sokhumi State University

Marine Turava

Sokhumi State University


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How to Cite

Kutsia, N. ., Todua, M., & Turava, M. . (2021). “Concepts of Konstantine Gamsakhurdia`s “Moon`s Abduction”. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33). https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2021.452


