Linguo-Paradigmatic Aspects of the Concept “Tree”

Linguo-Paradigmatic Aspects of the Concept “Tree”


  • Miranda Todua
  • Nona Ketsbaia



hymnography, tree symbolism, tree of life, symbolism, cult, Hymnography, Tree symbolism, Tree of life, Symbolism


In ancient Georgia, tree was designated as a beam, which is a common Kartvelian linguistic symbol. Tree is often used as a part, forming the complex basis and acquires another metaphorical meaning. Symbolic meaning of three is also very interesting which is met in Christian, as well as pagan world. A trace of worshiping a tree is met in oral telling, fairy tales and native poems and songs, as well as toponyms and the monuments of the objective culture. There are a lot of symbols of tree. Each type expresses different aspects of the sacral tree symbolism. A cult of a tree has a certain place in historical development of the Christian religion. In the Christian perception, an eternity of life is related to a tree. It is a metaphor creating the world. In the ecclesiastic poetry, “A tree of knowledge” and “A life tree”, both consider the Christ. Symbolism of a beam is also interesting. It is connected to the torment of the Savior as well. It is called as “a beam of life”, which underlies the vivifying power of a cross, which spread the blessing grace on the world. Symbolism of the tree yield is also distinguished. It is represented in various ways in the Bible and the Spiritual poetry.


Author Biographies

Miranda Todua

Sokhumi State University

Nona Ketsbaia

Sokhumi State University


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How to Cite

Miranda Todua, & Nona Ketsbaia. (2021). Linguo-Paradigmatic Aspects of the Concept “Tree”. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33).


