The role of multi-track diplomacy in the context of the transformation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
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Ключевые слова

Peace Building
Conflict Transformation
Multi -track Diplomacy


Как цитировать

Vasadze, K. (2024). The role of multi-track diplomacy in the context of the transformation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. Georgian Scientists, 6(2), 228–236.


The aim of this article is to consider and analyze the role of multi-channel diplomacy in the context of the constructive transformation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. More precisely, we consider the youth-oriented peace policy on the level of two channels – education and peace activity made by personal participation. The peace policy of the Georgian government, in particular, gave applicants living in the occupied territory of Abkhazia, without passing the unified national exams, the opportunity to continue their studies for free in accredited higher education institutions in the territory controlled by the Georgian government. However, while working on the article, the need to support young people from occupied Abkhazia in the direction of receiving artistic education was highlighted; with the involvement and activity of successful and famous art representatives - "Ambassadors of Peace", using their connections to create new formats for peaceful conflict transformation and dialogue.
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