Theoretical-Methodological aspects of intelligence activity and lobbying
Intelligence activities have deep historical roots, just like the development of the human race. It has a security function since the first state relations, when the social group of category A intended to have power over the social group of category B and control it. In the ancient civilizations, we find the first relations between states, which carried signs of intelligence activity. It was manifested in the period of war or peace by obtaining quick and complete information about the capabilities and intentions of the enemy. In the process of making decisions, the use of information obtained as a result of intelligence activities has become a prerequisite for self-preservation, and later dominance, in the international arena. Over the centuries, under the cover of intelligence activities, have been improved the methods of information warfare. In order to gain hegemony, this condition allowed the states to use such methods of struggle against each other as disinformation, propaganda and, most importantly, lobbying. Although the term "lobbyism" was first used in the 20th century, we can still find its signs in the ancient period. Which allows us to say that lobbying from ancient times to the present day has been the subject of exploitation from foreign intelligence. The analysis of current events in modern international relations shows, that the synthesis of intelligence and lobbying activities (intelligence lobbying) has opened the doors of new opportunities for the states. States which have developed intelligence lobbying at a scientific level are able to achieve their desired goals and dominate the international arena with less expenses. Developments of similar events have made intelligence lobbying a vital challenge for the national security of states in transition. Balancing the resulting negative effects is possible by the successful work of intelligence and counterintelligence services.
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