Major Challenges of Agriculture
Since 2013, agriculture in Georgia has been declared one of the priority areas and, in order to promote it, a large amount of funds is directed from the state budget, as well as investments from international donors and the private sector or other types and finances. In recent years, a number of projects have been implemented to boost production, attract investment in the sector, and expand export markets. Also, the financing of agriculture was significantly increased by the banking sector; Research centers and laboratories were established; Significant efforts have been made to rehabilitate and arrange irrigation and drainage systems, and so on. Despite the above efforts, agriculture still fails to develop significantly as the sector still faces a number of challenges. The State Strategy for Agricultural Development 2021-2027 again names infrastructure (including irrigation and drainage systems), skills and knowledge, access to technology, small land, laboratory facilities, etc. as the weakness of the sector.The aim of this study is to identify the main agricultural challenges facing large farms, individual product value chains or the entire agricultural system.
სოფლის მეურნეობის განვითარების 2021-2027 წლების სახელმწიფო სტრატეგია
საქართველოს სტატისტიკის ეროვნული სამსახური
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