Selecting the optimal working value of the voltage at 6kv busbar of the 35/6kv step down dead end substation during centralized voltage regulation


centralized regulation
limit mode

How to Cite

Matchavariani, L. . (2022). Selecting the optimal working value of the voltage at 6kv busbar of the 35/6kv step down dead end substation during centralized voltage regulation. Georgian Scientists, 4(2), 84–96.


The paper presents procedure for selecting the optimal working value of voltage at 6kv busbar of the 35/6kv step down dead end substation of Kutaisi. In particular: the configuration, distribution and load of the largest feeder coming out of the substation are studied. As a result the electrically nearest and farthest nodes from 6kv busbar of substation are determined and voltage losses up to the above nodes in limit demands are calculated. The percentage of voltage losses is also determined in 6 / 0.38 kV transformers installed in electrically nearest and farthest nodes.  In the maximum and minimum load modes, a preliminary assumption is obtained in the 0.38kv characteristic nodes, on the basis of which the optimal value of the working voltage  at 6kv busbar of substation is established. The rms value of nodal voltages are determined Via .   Based on the obtained nodal voltages, the validity of the methodology presented in the paper is confirmed. The engineering computer program "NEPLAN" is used to calculate the limit modes of the network.


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