„Rules of political game“ in Georgia
“Rules of the political game” are an organic part of the domestic and foreign policy of any country, and its main goal is to gain power, expand dominance and control over resources within the country, in the international arena they mainly serve the utilitarian goals of economic development, expansion of influence, change of order; The rules of the game may be based on the norms established by international law, consistent with order and justice, or take the form of a “game without rules”, going beyond the framework of democratic constitutions; It is incorrect to evaluate the rules of the game from the standpoint of moral and ethical standards established in society, since politics is an autonomous sphere of social activity and there are certain patterns in it, which in most cases contradict the ideal principles of “fair law.” The structural elements of the rules of the political game are outwardly the same in all countries: political subjects, objects (government), methods of gaining power, methods and motives, but in content the independent component is diametrically different according to the regimes; In most cases, political motives and goals coincide. The rules of the game that have developed in Georgia are in a transitional stage, on the one hand of which there are elements of struggle characteristic of authoritarian politics, and on the other - for democracy, supporters of public, open politics; In general, liberal democratic values are gradually gaining strength, and especially the country’s acceptance of EU candidate status means strengthening the process of European integration, developing a consensus, democratic transparent policy at the domestic and international level, in which, along with the ruling party, civil society institutions and the opposition will be actively involved and business elite; In our opinion, Georgia can build democracy in an “unusual place” (Magstadt), and this is evidenced by the centuries-old traditions of tolerance, the level of education, the potential of a unique national culture, the mentality of the people, the foreign policy orientations and values of the elites.
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