We have identified the following pathogenic fungi on blueberries: Godronia casandra pck = Fusicocum putrefaciens Sheare; Verticillium dahliae kleeb; Fusarium oxysporium (Schlecht) Snyd. et Haans.; Pestalotiopsis guepini (Desm) Steyaert.; Pestalotiopsis neglecta (Thumen) Steyaert.; Pestalotiopsis funerea (Desm) Steyaert.; Alternaria alternata(Fr.) Keisl. and Botrytinia fuckeliana(De Bary)Whetzel = Botrytis cinerea Pers. Godronia casandra pck = Fusicocum putrefaciens Sheare was noted by us for the first time in Georgia in 2020 on seedlings and 3-4 year old plants imported from abroad. It is soil-dwelling, highly pathogenic, quarantined. Fungi with great pathogenic nature are also: Verticillium dahliae kleeb and Fusarium oxysporium (Schlecht)Snyd. et Haans. which cause wilting of plants, falling of leaves and withering of stems and branches.
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