Mycobiota of boxwood (Buxus)
The following fungi have been detected on Buxus: Cylindrocladium byxicola Henricot.; Verticillium buxi Auerswald.( Sesquicillium buxi (Schm.)K.W. Gams, 1968); Verticillium dahliae Kleeb.; Gloesporium pachybasium Sacc.; Septoria pachydiodes Desm.; Pestalotiopsis guepini (Desm) Steyaert.; Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keisl.; Cladosporium herbarum (Pers) Link.; Phyllosticta spp.; Phomopsis sp. and Ascochyta buxina Sacc. Among the mentioned fungi, the following fungi cause the greatest damage to the boxwood plant: Cylindrocladium byxicola Henricot.; Verticillium buxi Auerswald. (Sesquicillium buxi (Schm.)K.W. Gams, 1968) and Verticillium dahlia Kleeb. It was important for us to find out the composition of fungal diseases of the boxwood plant under the current conditions, to determine their phytopathogenic importance for the plant, the regularities of their spread and favorable conditions. For this purpose, we collected diseased material from the municipalities of Guria, Samegrelo and Adjara, separated the fungi in pure culture on an artificial feeding area and determined their identity microscopically. When determining the species, we used the survey literature.
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