Microstructural Feature of Salvia glutinosa L. vegetative and generative organs
It has been studied perspective medicinal plant S. glutinosa aboveground parts vegetative and generative organs internal diagnostic features. The aboveground vegetative and generative organs of the plant are lined with unicellular or multicellular, conical trichomes, glands, unicellular or multicellular, also conical, spherical, secretory trichomes; Basal layer cells of curved and curved wall epidermal tissue is characteristic feature for leaf. The leaf is bifacial, amphistomatic, dorsoventral structure. Folium and axial organs cover tissue are presented diacytic type stomata. Lentil-like Guard cells of stomata, subsidiary cells stomata are curvilinear structure.In the internal structure of aboveground part polygonal structure tissue and mechanical tissue are actively represented, fiber and collenchyma existence are particularly characteristic sign for mechanical tissue. The transport system is monocyclic, collateral vascular bundles reflected in the stem, leaf stalk, and midrib. Longitudinally arranged, spherically shaped vascular vessel and tracheid element is in the transport system cortex. The axis organs xylem vessel mainly is spiral type, rarely porous wall thickening.
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