Energy and new technologies
This paper explores the relationship between energy and new technologies and their impact on the modern world. The study analyzes development trends in renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, smart grids and energy storage technologies. Special attention is paid to the role of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain in the transformation of the energy sector. The paper discusses the impact of these technologies on economic, social and environmental aspects. The study also presents predictions and recommendations for the development of sustainable energy systems that will help build a "green" economy and mitigate climate change.
Godfrey Boyle. "Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future" 2019 (4th Edition) გამომცემლობა: Oxford University Press
James Momoh. "Smart Grids: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis" 2012 გამომცემლობა: Wiley-IEEE Press
Renaud Gicquel. "Energy Systems: A New Approach to Engineering Thermodynamics" 2021 (2nd Edition). გამომცემლობა: CRC Press
Aldo V. da Rosa, Pei Wen Li. "Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes"
h Edition). გამომცემლობა: Academic Press
თეიმურაზ გოჩიტაშვილი. "ენერგეტიკული უსაფრთხოება: გლობალური და ეროვნული გამოწვევები" 2020, გამომცემლობა: საქართველოს სტრატეგიისა და საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობათა კვლევის ფონდი
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