Social movements and business privilege in the US: Occupy Wall Street
In the article the results of the “Occupy Wall Street” and the occupation movement in the USA are analized from the point of view of Charlz Lindblom’s theory of privileged position of business in poliarchy. In the authors’ view Occupy Wall Street formed a revolutionary situation, which was differed from the classical revolutionary situations by its peacefull character, solidarity of the American meinstream to the peoples protest and peacefull character. Occupation movement showed that it was impossible to rule in old way and people didn’t want to live the old way. This movement was directed against privileged position of business in poliarchy. Occupation movenet couldn’t weaken influence of money and big corporations on the decision making process because both are manifestations of the privileged positions of business in poliarchies, without which functioning of market economy is impossible. But Occupay Wall Street and occupation movement weakened ideoplogical pillars and stereotypes of American society.
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