Cyber Security Challenges in Georgia
The XXI century turned out to be a turning point in terms of technological development. Rapid technical progress along with many other benefits has posed significant challenges to the world. The growing reliance on digital technology in almost every field has increased the risks and dangers of cybercrime. Cyberspace is widely used by both state and non-state actors -terrorist organizations not to mention cyberattacks carried out by individual individuals. Georgia could not avoid this global threat either. This paper addresses the challenges of cyber security in Georgia. The paper discusses the methods of cybercrime and its impact on the concept of national security. The paper is based on the theory of realism and discusses the key characteristics through which states and non-state actors pursue their own interests and demonstrate or use force.The study reflects the main threats and challenges that exist in cyber and information in Georgia, relevant conclusions are drawn and some kind of recommendations are given at the end of the study.
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