The continuum of tobacco use starts from tasting or episodic smoke and finishes with heavy addiction. Determination of tobacco smoker status (non-smoker, accidental smoker, daily smoker, and former smoker) helps to plan and provide adequate interventions. In some cases, 3-5 minute standardized short intervention is enough for person to give up cigarettes. However tobacco dependence is a chronic disease and often requires long-term therapy to overcome withdrawal syndrome and psychological craving as well as equipment of patient with specific skills to maintain remission and avoid relapse of tobacco use. Combination of psychotherapy and specific and non-specific medications are recommended according to modern, evidence-based strategy of tobacco addiction treatment. The most effective psychotherapeutic methods are cognitive-behavioral and motivation therapy. The following medicines are recommended to overcome tobacco addiction: first line medications (Varenicline, Bupropion, Cytizine), second line medicines (Clonidine, Nortriptyline) and nicotine-substitution therapy.
Библиографические ссылки
2. ESPAD -2016, საქართველო. www.emcdda.europa. eu; 3. თამბაქოს წევის მიტოვება და პრევენცია – გაიდლაინი, საქართველოს შრომის, ჯანმრთელობის და სოციალური დაცვის სამინისტრო, 30.12.2009; 4. თამბაქოს წევის პრევენცია და მკურნალობა – ნატო შენგელია, ჯანდაცვის გაუმჯობესების პროექტი საქართველოში, 31.07.2012;
5. ENSP guidelines for treating tobacco dependence – Europian network for smoking and tobacco prevention, march, 2016; 6. Europian Smoking Cessation Guidelines and Quality Standarts – submitted by Andrea Ghlan, 2 december, 2016.