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ცხვედიანი ნ. T. N., ჩიკვაიძე ე. C. E., ციბაძე ა. T. A., გოგოლაძე თ. G. T., კაციტაძე ა. K. A., & გიორგობიანი თ. G. T. (2021). IMPACT OF NON-THERMAL MIDDLE RANGE INFRARED RADIATION ON KINETICS OF INDUCED FREE RADICALS IN HUMAN’S CHESTNUT HAIR. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 117–119. извлечено от


A purpose of the research was to study an impact of nonthermal middle range infrared radiation on kinetics of photo induced free radicals in Human’s brown hair. In the study it was used a relatively low energy S FH 4233 infrared range LED (OSRAM) with the following characteristics: wave frequencies – 319x10 12 Hz, wave length – from 935 up to 945, energy - 500 mV. Since, the purpose of the research was to study an impact of an infrared radiation’s wave component on photo induced free radicals’ kinetics a special device was made by means of which a thermal constituent was removed. Accordingly, the hair sample was exposed only with the infrared wave length of narrow range of 935-945 nm which belongs to a middle point of IRA group by ICI classification. The object used for study was a bundle of human natural brown hair (which was not treated with a variety of paints and cosmetics); a length of hair’s bundle - 1.5 cm, weight 40 mg. Initially, baseline EPR spectrum of the samples was determined and then the sample was exposed with infrared radiation during 60 minutes; a distance between the radiation source and the object of the research - 5 cm. After radiation photo induced free radical kinetics was measured within 60 minutes with 20-minutes intervals. Dynamics of photo induced free radicals was studied during 182 exposures of 47 samples with electromagnetic radiation of various ranges of frequencies. As studies have shown a non-thermal infrared radiation of the electromagnetic field practically does not cause an increase in the EPR spectrum. Most likely, in the mechanism of its impact on a living organism the leading effect belongs to a thermal influence but not to the wave frequency and length, while in the visible region of the light spectrum photo induced effect significantly increases in a result of a wave length restriction and increase in frequency.

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Библиографические ссылки

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