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Javakhadze, R., Tsimakuridze, M., Khatiashvili, N., Chigogidze, K., & Gvaberidze, O. (2023). HEALTH EFFECTS, CAUSING BY PESTICIDES. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 181–183. извлечено от


In order to protect plants from harmful organisms are used the chemical substances, so-called pesticides. The effect of pesticides is due to biological activity and has a toxic effect not only on harmful organisms, but also on other organisms, including humans. Phosphororganic and chlororganic pesticides are often used in viticulture. The aim of the work was a retrospective analysis of the data of the clinical department (occupational department) of the institute - preventive medical examinations conducted in the Telavi region and medical cards of the growers in the clinic. Based on the retrospective analysis, it can be concluded that the complex of pesticides used is a polytropic poison that causes central nervous system, cardiovascular, hepatotoxic and nephrotropic effects and the development of various somatic diseases. The process of pesticide spraying is characterized by an increase in its amount in the air of the working area, and it is not observed in the air on the sixth day.When working with poisonous chemicals, the main task is to ensure the complete safety of employees and monitoring their health.

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Библиографические ссылки

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