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Ninashvili, N., Mchedlishvili, I., Tchaava, K., Shavdia, N., & Gegeshidze, N. (2023). ACUTE POSTOPEARTIVE PAIN PREVALENCE, CHARACTERISTICS AND PAIN MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALS . Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 112–115. извлечено от


It has been reported that nearly three quarters of patients undergoing surgical interventions have acute pain, and that 20% to 80% of postoperative patients experience pain during the first 24 hours after undergoing operation. Reviewed literature showed high prevalence of acute postoperative pain globally widely ranging across countries, patients’ population, surgery type, methods of operation, scale of invasion, time elapsed after surgery and medications applied for analgesia.  The vast majority of patients experience from medium level to severe pain.  The highest level of pain felt by the postoperative patients is observed in the first 24 hours.  The major cause of high prevalence of acute post-operative pain is poor pain management. Growing body of evidences indicates inadequate level of postoperative pain analgesia not rarely despite of acute pain management protocols being in place.

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Библиографические ссылки

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