The research of problems on pharmaceutical market of Georgia is the permanent goal of our study. 50 respondents from pharmacies were questioned concerning situation on market. 60% of answers reflect that from point of view of pharmacists market is monopolized. 80% of answers reveal that some mechanism of governmental regulation is required for controlling the prices of medicines . The majority of pharmacists (95%) are gratified with the establishment of drug prescription system. 65% of pharmacists pointed that prices of drugs are high for population. 15% say that only insured patients are able to buy medicines and 20% consider that prices are normal for all patients
Библиографические ссылки
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10. http://www.who.int/en/;World Health Statistics 2015
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6.http://www.psidiscourse.ge/geo/video.php?id=10 - ფარმაცევტული ბაზრის ანალიზი, მიწოდების მხარე, თბილისი 2010წ;
7. “სამედიცინო საქმიანობის სახელმწიფო რეგულირების სააგენტოს; -2014 წლის ანგარიში
8. http://www.fip.org/;The FIP Centennial Congress 2012. at the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) World Centennial Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
9. http://www.hwngo.org.ge; ჯანდაცვის რეფორმის ანალიზი2010წ.
10. http://www.who.int/en/;World Health Statistics 2015
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