Today laparoscopic cholecystectomy is accepted as a golden standard in the treatment of calculous cholecystitis. Despite the fact, that the method has been widely used, according to the literature iatrogenic damage of bile ducts is seen in 0-2,7% of all cases. We present the case of 22 years old white female with the diagnosis of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Standard operation – laparoscopic cholecystectomy without any intraoperative complication had been performed. The patient was discharged on the second day after operation. Readmitted to the clinic on 4th postoperative day complaining on dull right sided abdominal pain and subfebrile temperature. Ultrasound revealed sub hepatic fluid collection. Laparotomy revealed that the fluid was bile and the reason of leakage was second cystic duct located 3-4 mm distally to the ligated one. The duct was opened with diameter 1,5-2 mm. The additional duct was ligated. Patient was discharged from clinic without any farther complications. The conclusion of the article is that anomaly in the area of Calot’s triangle can be the reason of iatrogenic damage of the bile duct even in case of not complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed by skilled surgeon.
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