The purpose of our research was to work out the clinical-histological correlations and algorithm of research for lips erosive-ulcerative diseases.21 patients (11 (52,38±0,9%) woman, 10 (47,6±1,1%) man) with erosive-ulcerative lesions were under observation, of which 9 had Allergic contact cheilitis, 2 – Lupus erythematosis, 2 – Lichen planus, 8 – Chronic lip gloss.According to the algorithm we clinically appreciated: crust, bark, scratch, papula, erithema, erosion, ulcer, atrophy, blush, dryness, color, bleeding, painfulness, lip enlargement. Morphologically: hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia, vacuolar degeneration, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, dissociation, diskeratosis, acantholysis, necrobiosis, granulose, necrosis, acanthosis, swelling, fragmentation, sclerofibrosis, proliferation, vasculitis, perivasculitis, neutrophil, plasmocytes and lymphocytes infiltration, miscellaneous infiltration, histiocytes, sclerofibrosis, granulomatic inflammation, dyscircular processes.Based on the above, diagnostics of oral and lips diseases should be based on the combination of clinical and paraclinical methods of research. The correct examination plan of the patient determines correct diagnosis and further successful treatment.
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