The particularity of antibiotic therapy in generalized infection – modern challenges

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Korinteli, I., Mchedlishvili, I., Javakhadze, M., Phagava, H., & Pagava, K. (2022). The particularity of antibiotic therapy in generalized infection – modern challenges. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 52, 61–62.


Treatment of generalized infection is an actual problem of 21 st century medicine. The death caused by generalized infection takes a huge place in the structure of population illness. The aim of our study was to evaluate use of antibiotics in generalized infection. The research was carried out from January 2017 to January 2019. 16 randomly selected clinics were included in the survey. The data of 755 patients was collected, out of whom 60 patients (7.94%) were hospitalized with generalized infection. In all cases the antibiotic was prescribed empirically. Later a bacteriologic sample was taken only in 21 (35.2%) cases and other 39 (65.1%) patients continued treatment empirically. The highest resistance was revealed for the third-generation cephalosporin, next for carbopenem (23.8%) and other multi resistant stems (9.52%). In most cases ampicillin/sulbactam was prescribed (25.2%), followed by meropenem (20.4%) and vancomycin (18.3%). The most frequent biomarker to start empirical antibiotics was C-reactive protein (85.2%). The treatment of sepsis according to the national or intrahospital guidelines was performed in 78.3.


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დაავადებათა კონტროლის და საზოგადოებრივი ჯანმრთელობის დაცვის ცენტრი 2016 წლის შესრულებული სამუშაოს ანგარიში

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