How to Cite

Mchedlishvili, I., Dilebashvili, T., Gelenidze, M., Katsitadze, D., & Gelovani, D. (2019). VACCINATION AGAINST MEASLES IN TBILISI. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 49, 93–95.


The vaccination status of patients diagnosed with measles was investigated in Tbilisi in 2013-2014,during an  outbreak. During the  time period mentioned above, 5108 cases of measles were reported in the capital city of the country. We investigated the vaccination status of 2451 patients. The study results revealed that 79.2% of patients were not vaccinated  at all, 17.1% had single dose and 3.7% of patients only had two doses against measles. The incidence rate of measles was especially high among infants – 2 345,5 . According to the national schedule existing in the country vaccination of children against Measles-Mumps-Rubella is started at the age of 12 months.Based on the above mantioned,we have a question- isn’t  it   better  to begin the vaccination against measles in infants erly, before 12 months? Moreover, the national schedule gives such possibilities.


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