Healthy Lifestyle and Adolescents

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Pagava, K., Michaud, P.-A., Phagava, H., Jeannin, A., Chanturishvili, T., & Abashidze, G. (2022). Healthy Lifestyle and Adolescents. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 44, 152–154.


     "Tо determine the healthy lifestyle parameters (body imаge, pnysical activity, suicide attempts, alcohol consumpion. smoking and drug abuse) among adolescents in Georgia and to compare them to the international analogues. Cross-sectional study was performed by means of the anonvmous quesuonnaires among 9499 pupils from different regions of Georgia. The participants of this survey were  he pupils of upper three classes (IX-XI), which were selectпо by cluster random sampling. The questionnaire was preenred in 4 languages (Georgian, Russian, Azeri, and Anne—nan‘). The data were processed in EpiData and SPSS 13.0. Healthy lifestyle parameters among adolescents in Georgia are in the range of the same parameters among the adoescents in the USA and Switzerland. It has been noted that  he adolescents in Georgia have lower physical activity parameters in comparison to their peers in the USA and Switzerland. Obtained results can be used as baseline information for Planning and implementing of the purposeful actions, as well as for the monitoring.


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