Before the formation of Article 18.2 of the Civil Code of Georgia in its current form, some aspects of the development of legislation on the protection of personal non-property rights

Before the formation of Article 18.2 of the Civil Code of Georgia in its current form, some aspects of the development of legislation on the protection of personal non-property rights


  • Polikarpe Monyava David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia image/svg+xml



personal, non-property, honor, dignity, secrecy, inviolability, protection


The work of Polikarpe Monyava, which has a title -"Some aspects of the development of legislation on the protection of personal non-property rights before the formation of Article 18.2 of the Civil Code of Georgia in its current form" was caused by the fact that the protection of personal non-property rights, despite their great importance for people, in Georgian reality It was characterized by certain difficulties at different stages of development, in particular after insult was decriminalized as a criminal offense, for some years, the Civil Code of Georgia did not allow the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation damaged by insult. The situation was partially corrected after the amendment of Article 18.2 of the Civil Code in 2004, and this norm allowed the possibility of using other legal acts in this regard. However, the "Freedom of  Speech and Expression" law, as well as a number of other normative acts, did not fully resolve this problem, because it provides the opportunity to protect honor and dignity violated by insults only if face-to-face insults take place, which is why it is necessary the further improvement of the existing legislation.


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Author Biography

Polikarpe Monyava, David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia

Doctor of Law, Professor


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How to Cite

Monyava, P. (2024). Before the formation of Article 18.2 of the Civil Code of Georgia in its current form, some aspects of the development of legislation on the protection of personal non-property rights. Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 9(1).


