To be published in the journal, the original scientific article, reviews, case description, brief communication, letter to the editor and accompanying letter - certified by the signatures of all authors - must be submitted to the editor. The article must be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address The parameters of the article are: sheet size - A4, left spacing - 3 cm, right spacing - 1.5 cm, upper and lower spacing - 2 cm, font - sylfaen, for Georgian text, Times New Roman for English text; Font size - 12, spacing between lines - 1.5. The number of pages of the article should not exceed 10 printed pages including tables, pictures and drawings. The number of pages of the review article may be agreed with the editors. The article can be done in Georgian or English. The article must be accompanied by an accompanying letter.
The article should be written as follows:
Title page: 1. Title of the article; 2. Full name of the author (s); 3. Email addresses of the corresponding author; 4. Scientific / academic degree of the author (s), full title of the workplace (affiliation);
Abstract: In Georgian and English (not more than 250 words), which should contain: Introduction, methods, results and conclusions.
Keywords (no more than 7 words);
Original article: The text should contain the following sections: structured abstract, introduction; Materials and methods; results; Discussion; Conclusion; Conflict of interest; Acknowledgments; Bibliography, tables and figures should be included in the text according to usage.
Review article: should contain an abstract of no more than 250 words, introduction, methods (methods for finding literature should be indicated), main text, bibliography.
Case report - should include unstructured abstract, introduction, case description, discussion, bibliography.
Short Communication: are short reports of research work containing new findings, short communication consists of an abstract and a main part, including introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion; Conflict of interest; Bibliography, tables and figures should be included in the text.
Letter to the Editor: Can be of two types:
- Comment on recently published articles, which must be received within 2 months of the publication of the article;
- Notifications of incidents, explosions, or original investigation, without structuring.
The list of used literature should be sorted in the order of citation in the text (literature in the text, without the use of footnotes, should be indicated by an Arabic numeral inserted in a square bracket); Articles should be cited in Vancouver or Chicago style.
Author contribution
Authorship should be based on substantial contributions from at least three of the following components:
Concept and design;
Data collection;
Data analysis and interpretation;
Compiling an article or critically reviewing it;
Final approval of the published version and responsibility for the research.
Accompanying letter
Scientific Journal Editor-in-Chief of Spectrum
We certify that the manuscript submitted by us for publication in the journal entitled "____________________________________________________________", read and approved by all authors, has not been published in whole or in part in any other journal; We take responsibility for the scientific accuracy of the content of the manuscript.
First name, surname Signature
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