Democratic Republic of Georgia and Neutrality

Democratic Republic of Georgia and Neutrality




First Republic, neutrality, politics, treaty


The scientific article deals with the Democratic Republic of Georgia and the issue of its neutrality. The topic is relevant to the extent that the question of the foreign orientation of the state is always accompanied by outstanding public attention, especially in the tense international geo-political situation, such as today. Neutrality has been associated with the Democratic Republic of Georgia in Georgia’s past for some reason. Thus, the article aims to delve into this problem and analyze to what extent the Democratic Republic of Georgia was a neutral state. The article discusses separate historical events that may give rise to the view of the international neutrality of the First Republic. As well as events that testify to the opposite and provide us with highly noteworthy information and a solid basis for saying that the Democratic Republic of Georgia was not a neutral state. This issue is less studied, we think the article will create a beneficial basis for expanding research in this direction and will serve interested researchers.


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Author Biography

Giorgi Batsikadze, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, doctoral candidate in history


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How to Cite

Batsikadze, G. (2023). Democratic Republic of Georgia and Neutrality. Museum and Globalization, 1(1), 34–40.


