Structure and possible functions of centriolar RNA with reference to the centriolar hypothesis of differentiation and replicative senescence


replicative senescence

How to Cite

Tkemaladze, J. (2023). Structure and possible functions of centriolar RNA with reference to the centriolar hypothesis of differentiation and replicative senescence. Junior Researchers, 1(1), 156–170.


At the beginning of the 21st century, a new group of RNAs was discovered in the centrosomes of the mollusc Spisula solidissima eggs. These RNAs were named centrosomal RNAs (cnRNAs). Subsequent sequencing of cnRNA11 revealed the presence of a conserved reverse transcriptase domain in its structure. The discovery of this reverse transcriptase domain in cnRNA11 indicates that centrosomes may play a role in information storage and retrieval. Furthermore, the reverse transcriptase enzyme has the potential to impact nuclear DNA, which adds to the significance of cnRNAs. This is why cnRNA is written harmoniously in the centriolar hypothesis of differentiation and replicative senescence.


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