The city as a social phenomenon: sociological and historical approaches


  • Alisher Ravshanov Assistant at the “Department of Humanities” Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME) - National Research University (Republic of Uzbekistan)



The modern city is a complex and holistic social system, concentrating most of the educational, financial, human and other resources, in which by means of social control and its main aktiviziruyutsya elements[1], so important is the vision of him in the aspect of development and peculiarities of the functioning of the internal urban structures (local communities), and with regard to external relations. This determines the need for special research focused on studying the features of the processes taking place in modern cities, their characteristic problems and prospects for their resolution, involving the implementation of a joint search for a strategy by the authorities, economic and public organizations, whose actions can be consolidated within the framework of strategic development planning.


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How to Cite

Alisher Ravshanov. (2022). The city as a social phenomenon: sociological and historical approaches. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (24), 153–158.

