Ecotoxicology of pesticides used against halyomorpha halys and study of their possible harmful effects on the population of Guria region
Halyomorpha Halys, Bifenthrin, PesticidesAbstract
Bifenthrin (from Pyrethroid chemical compound group) containing pesticides are used to fight Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha Halys) in Georgia. In order to study possible impact of these substances on the human health condition, descriptive epidemiological survey was made among inhabitants of the pesticides action area. The survey polled 96 inhabitants. After survey results analysis, it was detected, that in many cases, respondents who had contact with above mentioned pesticides suffered from various complaints, which were provoked by these pesticides. People who had complaints have following diagnoses: hypertonic, sciatica, kidney diseases, goiter, allergy, varicose veins, neurosis, bronchitis and other. While, they complained on the following: burning eyes, skin burning, more cough, itchy eyes, nausea, relax, dizziness and other. It should be took into consideration, that because of the negligence, one of the respondents had light poisoning from the pesticides. Unfortunately, sometimes chemical treatment is held without prior notice.
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