Issues of physical upbringing in the work of Jacob Gogebashvili and modernity
student, physical education, harmonious developmentAbstract
The Georgian state aims to create such a school system that will give each student an equal opportunity to acquire physical development skills among with other skills. Pedagogical views of Iakob Gogebashvili do not lose relevance according to the development of physical skills by students. At the same time, Iakob Gogebashvili belongs to the ranks of those authors, whose creations from the perspective of the centuries leave a feeling of searching for something new, drawing parallels with modernity. The paper reviews the issues contained in the physical education and sports subject standards of the national curriculum of Georgia. And the opinion is expressed that the current state of physical education and sports education in schools shows many hindering factors, the reduction/elimination of which would make sports education more fruitful and effective. The issue is very important and its study, we think, is the subject of joint, systematic research of education researchers, teachers, masters and doctoral students. We believe that the obtained results will help the education reform itself and make physical education and sports teaching more effective.
ზოგადი განათლების ეროვნული მიზნები, 2024წ. თბილისი
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