The Role of Differentiated Instruction in the Process of Forming Student’s Self-esteem
Student self-esteem, elementary level, differentiated approach in mathematicsAbstract
The work addresses the problematic issue of forming student self-esteem as one of the most important aspects of individual self-development. It discusses the factors that influence this process and highlights and analyzes the role of self-esteem in shaping a child's personality. Based on the theories and perspectives of well-known scientists, it is clarified how social relationships and the environment influence the self-realization and self-esteem of individuals, specifically elementary school students. Through an in-depth analysis of the issue, it is confirmed that guiding students toward healthy self-esteem is valuable, especially when considering their individuality, uniqueness, individual needs, and capabilities. In this regard, a differentiated approach is considered the most effective way to promote the formation of healthy self-esteem among elementary school students in the teaching of the mathematics curriculum. The significance of differentiated instruction is emphasized, focusing on the aspects that accompany the purposeful implementation of differentiated activities, allowing teachers to provide every student with a chance for "success" and "achievement." As a result, students develop a sense of competence and self-confidence. Recognizing, valuing, respecting, and considering each student's unique abilities, learning styles, and profiles positively reflects on their self-perception. As a result of an in-depth discussion of the issue, the author forms the opinion that the main goal of using a differentiated approach in teaching should always be to support the formation of self-esteem among elementary school students and to evaluate the teacher's influence and role in this process, as this is a critical period in developing self-awareness. The opinions expressed in the work are harmonized with the conducted research related to the issue, its findings, and results. It is confirmed that by studying students' self-esteem and developing interventions aimed at enhancing it, it is possible to regulate students' attitudes towards failure and feedback from peers and teachers, as well as to promote the development of their self-reflection skills and resilient mental health. The formation of high self-esteem positively impacts a child's motivation, attitude toward subjects, engagement, and resilience to challenges.
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Differentiated Instruction: 7 key Principles and How-Tos: